Our Story

Our Story

In early 2000, GMP founder, Todd McCally, was bombarded with requests from his current clients looking for placement on search engines like Google, Yahoo, AOL.   He knew very little about getting placements on any search engine besides the one his company had built for ESPN Outdoors. After six days of reading books and performing numerous searches online in Yahoo, he felt like he had figured out the recipe that caused sites to either place well or not.  It was the coding and content that told the story of what the business did and where they did it.  After countless additional searches to confirm his findings, he felt he was ready to initially give some clients free assistance to see if what he’d learned worked. Yes, it worked, and it worked well.  In just a matter of months, 42% of our client base jumped on the bandwagon for search engine placement on Google, AOL, Yahoo, MSN and many other lesser-known search engines.


Today Page1Mavericks is leveraging over 20 years of success to build and use its technical skills to create the best solution for putting customers on the first page of all major search engines.

A major focus of Page1Mavericks is to offer the proven 20-year solution for customers to grow their brand and name recognition while decreasing their advertising spend and generating new revenue to their bottom line. 

Today, if your business is not being seen on the first page of Google search, you are losing the opportunity to potentially generate multiple new customers and thousands of dollars in new revenue.  The problem is most companies compete against millions of other sites for the front-page listings.  Businesses don’t understand the coding behind the optimization and how the search engines continually change their algorithms that require daily technical support.  Page1Mavericks has the expertise to manage all these intricacies and provide a proven solution to get you to the first page and stay there, guaranteed

Want To Know What We Can Do For You?

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